A Church About Jesus
Whether we know it or not, we all find our identity in something. As a church and as individuals, we’re called to find our identity in Jesus and Him alone. At Fellowship Baptist, we are an independent, self-governing church with members who are committed to furthering the message of Jesus and his calling for the church based in the fundamental doctrines and teachings found in the Bible.
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. ”
Our belief in what Jesus said and taught shape and unite us. Every facet of our church is committed to teaching and applying Jesus in our family, community and world.
It’s All About Jesus in our Family
We want you and your family to feel at home. Whether you’re single, married, with kids, or without; we have something for everyone! Our church is a place where kids, teens and adults can connect with God, learn to love like Jesus, and make a difference in the world.
Our ministry groups and programs are focused to explore what the Bible has to say to us personally in whatever moment of life we find ourselves in. We also regularly get together for various activities, missions trips and service projects to strengthen our relationship with each other to help draw us closer to Jesus.
It’s All About Jesus in our Community
Our church is comprised of people in this very community. Our kids go to the same schools. Our families play in the same parks. We may even bump into you at the grocery store! We understand many of the challenges you face because we are right there with you. The culture at Fellowship Baptist is one of friends working together as a team to serve through the varied talents that God has given each individual.
One of the greatest privileges we have as a church is to be placed in an area like Stark County. With that comes the opportunity to connect with the people in this surrounding area. Through ministries such as visitation, door to door canvassing and bus ministry, we are able to reach out to the community each week. Vacation Bible School and other service projects also give us an opportunity to show the love of Jesus and share His message throughout the year.
It’s All About Jesus in the World
World Missions is at the heart of Fellowship. We also believe it’s at the heart of God. After all, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ from heaven for the mission to “seek and to save that which was lost”.
We understand that the world could be a better place. There are a lot of injustices and heartaches that may not make sense to us. But we believe we can help and make a difference. Why? Because God has made such a difference in our lives, we can’t help but share it with other people.
That is why we look to serve others in the local community and financially support over 100 missionaries to over 40 different countries across the world.